Denmark is also rich country for the culture and heritage situated in Northen European Region of Europe continent, We would heartily well come to Denmark’s Culture group to participate here in our "2nd International Folk Festival 2004" here in Kathmandu, Patan, Bhaktapur and Pokhara, leading by the F.U.F. and also thank to the F.U.F.
The F.U.F. is a folkdance group. They have 275 dance groups. They usually dance once a week in the winter. All dances they used are Danish Folkdance. They don’t have dance in the school because the town-council doesn’t support the dancing. They have to go to a dance instructor.
They all wear the traditional costumes from 1750-1850 which are really made by hand. The material they use, are mostly Flax, wool, silk and cotton. The women wear a petty coat and skirt. All the women wear a hear dress. And some of the men have a coat of homespun and a top hat. The rest have a knitted wool cap. They all have hand weaving Garter.
The F.U.F. groups consist of about 50-60 dancers, in difference age and folk musician, a fiddler and 2 accordions. They were participant in many festivals in different countries in different time
Denmark is the very rich for the culture, heritage and the history of the world. Now we would like to give thanks to F.U.F. for providing us Cultural Group from Denmark to take part in our "2nd international Folk Festival 2004" Kathmandu, Bhaktpur, Patan & Pokhara of Nepal.