Folklorica Bolivia

Folk Festival


Folk Festival


Folklorica Bolivia

The Dance Company "FOLKLÓRICA BOLIVIA", was born to artistic life on September 10, 2018, at the concern of Master Juan Jaime Begazo Velasco, Director and Choreographer of Bolivian Folkloric Dances, trainer and promoter of generations in the National Folkloric Ballet of Bolivia (1992 and 2018)

He founds the new Company and proposes an Institution where Artistic Education is the transversal axis in the training of its artists, and as a consequence, the export of diverse artistic goods (dance proposals of the different Bolivian rhythms through shows of artistic projection)

The Dance Company "FOLKLÓRICA BOLIVIA" has participated in different local and international events, in a very short time it has been climbing preferential places achieving invitations to festivals inside and outside the country, on 2 occasions in 2019 and 2020 it attended the World Folklore Festival " My Peru” AC CIDAN MI PERU, as one of the most important Festivals in the Americas, also this year 2022, we will be present at said festival.