Ensemble Zora

Folk Festival


Folk Festival


Ensemble Zora

Sofia isthe capital and largestcity of Bulgaria.The city is at the footof Vitosha Mountain in the western part of the country. The culture in theBulgarian dance and music arts is one of the main attractions for tourist.The achievements of thenational traditions and culture are popularized among the population mainly through the forms of professional and amateur artistic creativity.

Ensemble Zora is a group for folk dancing and singing founded in 1980in order to develop and preserve the Bulgarian traditions in folklore. From 2008 works with the choreographer Stefan Laloshev.
The group presents the folkdances, the singing  and the folkcostumes from all districts in the country. Therepertoiretakeplacethedynamics, thebeautyandtherhythmicalchanges of „Shopishe”dances, thefreespirit of „Mizishe” dances, thelyricandrefrainedpassion of the „Thracian” dances, and the mystics of the “Macedonian” fire.

Theperformances of theEnsemble „ Zora ” transmitsthespirit of Bulgariafromthepast to thepresentand conserve it for thefuture.